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Sierra Nevada Children's Services offers assistance with finding child care providers.
Child Care Provider Referrals
SNCS offers referrals to child care providers in Nevada & Sierra Counties. They can also help with finding child care providers who offer specialized care, and those participating in Early Quality Matters (EQM), a program that provides Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) developmental screening for all children enrolled.
Financial Assistance for Eligible Families
SNCS offers child care financial assistance programs to eligible Nevada and Sierra County residents. When funding allows, SNCS opens enrollment to new families based on their Childcare Eligibility List (CEL). See link to list below.
Web pages
Placer County Office of Education offers Child Care Referrals to parents and child care providers including
Resource and Referral Services are available at no cost to families.
KARE Crisis Nursery provides safe and nurturing care in a home-like setting for small children of families experiencing a stressful situation or emergency. Children up to age 6 receive 24 hour care for up to 30 days. Emergency Day respite, up to 30 times in a 6 month period. Court ordered supervised visitation. Safe Exchanges.
Web pages
This is a Ready to Grow (R2G) resource. Ready to Grow is a First 5 Nevada County program to connect children 0-5 with services and information that support their well-being. Organizations with programs that have this R2G tag may have additional programs of interest to families.
MyChildCarePlan.Org helps families find the best licensed childcare option for their children. The website is a resource for families looking for high-quality childcare and has information about how childcare can help children grow and learn.
It's also is a place for licensed childcare providers to list their services and learn about resources to stay updated on best practices and important information.
Web pages
The Crisis Resolution Center provides a toll-free 24-hour telephone number (available to teens and family members residing in Placer County only) for referrals, personal support, advice, and counsel to teens and parents/caregivers/guardians in crisis.
The Crisis Resolution Center provides solution-focused, trauma-informed, and person focus family intervention; which resolves family crises and establishes reunification of children ages 12-17 with their families. The Crisis Resolution Center, located in Loomis California, is a six-bed (co-ed) facility with counseling services, fully licensed and professionally staffed to provide short-term out-client family services and short-term residential care.
The team of trained house parents, child care workers, and a CRC Case Manager offers:
Short-term residential placement for teenagers ages 12-17 (average stay is approximately one to two weeks).Youth at the Crisis…
[read more]E-CENTER - YUBA CITY #92608758
E Center’s general child care and development state funded program provides an educational component that is culturally, linguistically and developmentally appropriate for the children served. These programs also provide meals and snacks to children, parent education and referrals to health and social services for families. Currently offered in Butte, Sutter and Yuba County.
Web pages
Tahoe Truckee Unified School District offers Early Learning and Care programs to eligible parents and their children ages birth to 5.
Programs include STEPP (Sierra Teen Education Parenting Program), which provides a developmentally appropriate learning environment for children ages 0-3 years in an atmosphere where individual interests and developmental levels are respected and celebrated. The purpose is to create a community of caring for the whole family by providing high quality child care in a safe and nurturing environment, and providing parent education and family support services while parents pursue their career and/or educational goals.
The transitional component of the STEPP program serves student parents who have graduated high school and their children who are age-eligible for our program. The program also serves community members who meet income eligibility requirements.
Web pages
Sierra Nevada Children's Services (SNCS) offers free or low-cost playgroups and workshops with hands-on activities for children, parents, and caregivers. A trained facilitator guides parents on the value of interactive play with their infants and toddlers. Activities include social development and skills, language, fine motor, gross motor, creative expression, nutrition, and developing curiosity and wonder.
Learning Center
The Learning Center in Grass Valley includes a Resource Library and Play Space that is open to the public when not in use. Parents and providers can become members of the lending library and borrow a variety of developmentally appropriate toys and materials for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school age children, and children with special need. SNCS also offers Child Development Lending Libraries at the Truckee and Loyalton office locations. Please call these locations first to check availability.
Web pages
Sierra Nevada Children's Services has resources for people who are or would like to become child care providers, including info about how SNCS might be able to help with licensing expenses and professional development.
It provides one-on-one parent support and professional developmental training and hands-on workshops for licensed and licensed-exempt child care providers. SNCS also lends child development materials and resources to parents and providers through the Child Development Resource Library.
Web pages
This is a Ready to Grow (R2G) resource. Ready to Grow is a First 5 Nevada County program to connect children 0-5 with services and information that support their well-being. Organizations with programs that have this R2G tag may have additional programs of interest to families.
Sierra College Child Development Center - On the Nevada County Campus
The mission of the Child Development Center (CDC) is to provide an exemplary learning environment for the children of students, staff, and community members. The CDC also provides a demonstration laboratory setting for enrolled Sierra College students, while collaborating with community agencies and is a resource to provide an exemplary early childhood education model.
Toddler Program: Enrolls children ages 18-36 months old. Hours are 8:30am to 3:30pm, year round. The teacher-child ratio is 1:4. Enrollment is free to income eligible families.
Preschool Program: Enrolls children 3-5 years old. Hours are 8:30am to 330pm, August to June. The teacher-child ratio is 1:8. Enrollment is free to income eligible families.
Web pages
This is one of many possible First 5 Nevada County Ready to Grow (R2G) program resources.