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50 results found.
Bridges to Housing provides homeless individuals or families with a deposit when they have found a place to move into. The criteria required is based on the individual's needs and income status. They must have some type of income to qualify. To start the application process a client must stop by the office and pick up an application.
Program Guidelines and Verification Requirements
Verification Requirements
Nevada County's Grass Valley Library offers #Adulting, a free, monthly after-hours program designed for young adults in their 20s and 30s to build essential life skills.
Each session features a local expert presenting on topics such as finances, housing, health insurance, and cooking basics. The program creates a relaxed environment where participants can learn, ask questions, and connect with others in similar life stages.
Services include:
Web pages
The 211 Connecting Point Contact Center can refer people to other 211 call centers in California and around the USA.
Find contact centers around the United States here.
You can also call 866-FIND-211 (866-346-3211) to find your county's 211 in California. Your call can be transferred to your local 2-1-1.
(Note: If you work at a 2-1-1 in California and would like your county to route appropriately through the 866-find-211 phone line, please contact Eve Hamilton at [email protected].)
California 211 Direct Phone Numbers | |
2‑1‑1 is a free telephone number providing access to local community services. 2‑1‑1 is available in multiple languages, allowing people access to information and to obtain referrals for resources such as physical and mental health, housing, utility, food, transportation, employment assistance, and suicide and crisis interventions. 2‑1‑1 also provides disaster preparedness, response, and recovery during declared emergencies. | |
County | Number |
The 211 Connecting Point Contact Center provides a coordinated entry system for people currently experiencing homelessness.
Coordinated Entry callers will speak to a 211 Consumer Service Representative (CSR), who will walk them through a series of questions. The caller’s answers are entered by the 211 CSR into HUD’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), which can be accessed only by designated organizations that provide housing services.
Callers have access to emergency shelter, as well as long term/permanent housing, by going through the Coordinated Entry process.
Web pages
The 211 Connecting Point Contact Center provides a coordinated entry system for people currently experiencing homelessness.
Coordinated Entry callers will speak to a 211 Consumer Service Representative (CSR), who will walk them through a series of questions. The caller’s answers are entered by the 211 CSR into HUD’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), which can be accessed only by designated organizations that provide housing services.
Callers have access to emergency shelter, as well as long term/permanent housing, by going through the Coordinated Entry process.
Coordinated Entry intakes can be completed by calling 211's Homeless Resource Helpline at 833-3PLACER (833-375-2237).
Web pages
24-Hour Crisis Line - 530-265-5811
The Behavioral Health Department provides a wide variety of Adult Mental Health Services to the public, particularly for Medi-Cal recipients and those with severe mental illness. These include Mental Health Services and Alcohol and Other Drug Services. County employees provide some services, while contracted individuals and organizations provide other services, with County monitoring.
Service Range
This continuum of care ranges from acute inpatient to routine outpatient services, and includes medication services, psychotherapy, residential services, wellness and recovery, care management, long term institutional care and vocational services. Adult Services monitors the delivery of services to ensure that State standards are met for quality, timeliness and authorization.
There are two county clinics. The Western County Crown Point Facility in Grass Valley, and a Truckee clinic at the Joseph Government Center. Visit the Locations and Hours p…
The Adult Protective Services program provides intervention activities directed toward safeguarding the well-being of elders and dependent adults suffering from or at risk of abuse or neglect, including self-neglect.
APS Eligibility:
Elder (60 years and older) and dependent adults (18-59 years old) who experience abuse, neglect, self-neglect or financial exploitation and otherwise meet the eligibility criteria for Adult Protective Services (APS).
Home Safe:
Home Safe is a locally administered program available through a homelessness prevention demonstration grant.
Home Safe serves APS clients who are at imminent risk of homelessness or recently became homeless due to abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or financial exploitation.
The goal of the Home Safe program is to support the safety and housing stability of individuals involved in APS by providing short-term housing-related assistance.
Currently operating July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025.
Home Safe Eligibility:
Clients must meet all 3 cond…
[read more]TOWN OF TRUCKEE #4662518
Town of Truckee Animal Services and the Humane Society of Truckee Tahoe have a unique, long-standing partnership. The shared animal shelter facility, located at 10961 Stevens Lane in Truckee, maximizes efficiency and effectiveness by housing the public and private entities under the same roof to promote the compassionate, respectful, and humane treatment of animals and people through partnership, sheltering, services, and education.
Responds to all calls of injured animals, both wild and domestic; please call Truckee Police Dispatch at 530-550-2320.
Web pages
Apartment listings provides for people of any age and seniors in the Tahoe Truckee area. Inclusion in this list does not imply endorsement by 211, and omission does not indicate disapproval. Feel free to make 211 aware of other complexes that could be listed.
PLEASE NOTE: This information can change. Contact apartment complexes for current details.
Truckee - Nevada County: