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The 211 Connecting Point Contact Center can refer people to other 211 call centers in California and around the USA.
Find contact centers around the United States here.
You can also call 866-FIND-211 (866-346-3211) to find your county's 211 in California. Your call can be transferred to your local 2-1-1.
(Note: If you work at a 2-1-1 in California and would like your county to route appropriately through the 866-find-211 phone line, please contact Eve Hamilton at [email protected].)
California 211 Direct Phone Numbers | |
2‑1‑1 is a free telephone number providing access to local community services. 2‑1‑1 is available in multiple languages, allowing people access to information and to obtain referrals for resources such as physical and mental health, housing, utility, food, transportation, employment assistance, and suicide and crisis interventions. 2‑1‑1 also provides disaster preparedness, response, and recovery during declared emergencies. | |
County | Number |
Access in Motion provides non-emergency medical transportation.
10% off for Veterans
Access in Motion is dedicated to providing on-time, accessible non-emergency medical transportation for the disabled community in Rocklin, Roseville, and surrounding areas in Placer and Sacramento counties. The company specializes in providing mobility services to and from dialysis and other medical appointments for individuals using wheelchairs and walkers or who are simply not able to drive themselves safely. Access in Motion provides door-to-door wheelchair service to ensure that passengers are personally escorted to their destination and safely returned home again.
Transportation Services are for:
Access in Motion drivers:
The Pacific ADA Center to builds partnerships between the disability community and the general public by enhancing understanding of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) through education and technical assistance.
The Pacific ADA Center is one of ten Regional Centers in the ADA National Network set up across the United States to provide information and referral, training, consultation, and technical assistance to the business, state and local government, and disability communities about their responsibilities and rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The Center includes numerous consultants, a small staff, and subcontracts with more than 20 entities regionwide. The Center participates in nationwide training projects and the development of materials for broad based distribution. Pacific ADA Center receives direct and current information from the Departments of Justice, Transportation, Education, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the Federal Communications C…
California Indian Manpower Consortium offers training, employment services, and community development programs for California Native American populations. Web pages
CalWORKs provides cash aid and services to eligible families that have a child(ren) in the home. The program serves all 58 counties in the state and is operated locally by county welfare departments.
If a family has little or no cash and needs housing, food, utilities, clothing or medical care, they may be eligible to receive immediate short-term help. Families that apply and qualify for ongoing assistance receive money each month to help pay for housing, food and other necessary expenses.
The amount of a family‘s monthly assistance payment depends on a number of factors, including the number of people who are eligible and the special needs of any of those family members. The income of the family is considered in calculating the amount of cash aid the family receives.
Generally, services are available to:
CalWORKs & Employment Services acts as a part of Human Services, one of six Divisions of County of Placer Health & Human Services.
If you are an adult with dependent children, you may be eligible for California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids, or CalWORKs. CalWORKs provides:
If you are eligible for CalWORKs you will automatically qualify for Medi-Cal and may also qualify for CalFresh. Unless you are exempt, you will be referred to the Employment Services program for assistance gaining employment. Placer County Employment Services (formerly Welfare to Work) can assist you in finding work through the Business Advantage Network. You can receive daily job leads and information on job fairs and recruiting events ca…
[read more]HUMAN SERVICES - COUNTY OF PLACER #77775296
CalWORKs & Employment Services acts as a part of Human Services, one of six Divisions of County of Placer Health & Human Services.
If you are an adult with dependent children, you may be eligible for California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids, or CalWORKs. CalWORKs provides:
If you are eligible for CalWORKs you will automatically qualify for Medi-Cal and may also qualify for CalFresh. Unless you are exempt, you will be referred to the Employment Services program for assistance gaining employment. Placer County Employment Services (formerly Welfare to Work) can assist you in finding work through the Business Advantage Network. You can receive daily job leads and information on job fairs and recruiting eve…
[read more]HUMAN SERVICES - COUNTY OF PLACER #77776133
CalWORKs & Employment Services acts as a part of Human Services, one of six Divisions of County of Placer Health & Human Services.
If you are an adult with dependent children, you may be eligible for California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids, or CalWORKs. CalWORKs provides:
If you are eligible for CalWORKs you will automatically qualify for Medi-Cal and may also qualify for CalFresh. Unless you are exempt, you will be referred to the Employment Services program for assistance gaining employment. Placer County Employment Services (formerly Welfare to Work) can assist you in finding work through the Business Advantage Network. You can receive daily job leads and information on job fairs and recruiting eve…
California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) facilitates California's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program.
Temporary Financial Assistance
CalWORKs is a temporary financial assistance program for low- or no- income families with children. It can help all kinds of families who have fallen on hard times due to a variety of issues such as fleeing domestic violence, illness or death of an income earner, substance use, child behavior or developmental challenges, homelessness, legal or criminal record constraints, or job loss.
Employment Services
CalWORKs financial assistance is available to children regardless of whether their parents choose to participate in Employment Services. If you participate in Employment Services, you may be eligible to receive CalWORKs cash assistance for yourself, in addition to support with expenses related to your job or education. As an Employment Services participant, you will receive support in identifying and working to…
The Civil Rights Department (CRD) enforces California’s civil rights laws. The mission of the CRD is to protect the people of California from unlawful discrimination in employment, housing, businesses, and state-funded programs, and from bias-motivated violence and human trafficking.
Web pages