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Interfaith Food Ministry, in a partnership with SpeeDee Carts, offers food home delivery to eligible people. Qualifying clients include seniors, people with disabilities, people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are in isolation, and individuals who only sometimes have access to transportation.
When? Every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week of the month
For information and eligibility screening, call Interfaith Food Ministry at 530-273-8132.
Web pages
This is a Ready to Grow (R2G) resource. Ready to Grow is a First 5 Nevada County program to connect children 0-5 with services and information that support their well-being. Organizations with programs that have this R2G tag may have additional programs of interest to families.
Sierra College offers free transportation for students.
Take advantage of free bus transportation by simply showing your Sierra College ID when you board any Roseville Transit, Placer County Transit, Auburn Transit, Nevada County Connects and/or Tahoe Truckee Area Regional Transit (TART) bus.
The above web page includes the following information:
Web pages
The Home Free program reunites youth with their family or legal guardian or helps them get to an alternative living arrangement (ALA), such as a community-based transitional living program, through a free bus ticket. Home Free works in collaboration with youth, parents and guardians, law enforcement, anti-trafficking organizations, social service, health care providers, and others to ensure youth who are victims of labor and sex trafficking benefit from reuniting with caring adults or getting an alternative living program.
Eligibility & Restrictions
Youth must be between the ages of 12 and 21 and self-identify as homeless, a runaway, or a victim of human trafficking. Youths must agree to complete the necessary steps to obtain a ticket through the Home Free program.
The Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) provides free services for people stuck on freeways.
It's a joint program provided by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the California Highway Patrol (CHP), and the local transportation agency. The FSP program is a free service of privately owned tow trucks that patrol designated routes on congested urban California freeways.
If you get stuck on the freeway because your automobile stops running, FSP can help. For example, FSP will:
Note: The FSP program...
If FSP cannot get your car going, it will be t…
[read more]GOGO GRANDPARENT #92554243
GOGO Grandparent offers a way for seniors to order rides for groceries, prescription medications, meals, home chores and more with a simple phone call.
Services provided
A guide to 3-digit N11 phone numbers is located here.
Hospitality House offers a year-round, temporary, overnight emergency shelter for homeless residents of Western Nevada County who have lived in the county for 45 days or more. ID not required.
Services available to those who are staying at the shelter include:
Web pages
NOTE: 211 gets inquiries about the apartments behind Safeway. Brunswick Commons is the apartment complex on Old Tunnel Rd behind the Safeway, etc in Grass Valley. Members of the general public cannot apply for units because the complex is entirely devoted to people who are clients of Hospitality House, Turning Point, or Nevada County Behavioral Health. Peopl…
Placer Independent Resource Services (PIRS) provides free services for people with disabilities. They serves Placer, El Dorado, and Alpine counties.
~ PIRS does not provide any kind of financial assistance.
~ PIRS does not provide direct housing placement. PIRS can provide general information about housing resources and can assist with applications; advises about search strategies and tenant/landlord rights and responsibilities. No referral or placement services provided.
Services include
Pawnie's Home Care provides home care services for seniors and people with disabilities. They put together a plan to fit each client and their specific needs. Most of their care services are listed below but there may be some that aren’t listed that could be implemented depending on the needs of their clients. Their goal is to provide regular in home services as well as ones that are outside of the box and not normally provided through other in home care providers.
Service categories include:
Web pages