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Pawnie's Home Care provides home care services for seniors and people with disabilities. They put together a plan to fit each client and their specific needs. Most of their care services are listed below but there may be some that aren’t listed that could be implemented depending on the needs of their clients. Their goal is to provide regular in home services as well as ones that are outside of the box and not normally provided through other in home care providers.
Service categories include:
Web pages
Golden Sierra Job Training Agency offers free resources to job seekers and businesses in Placer, El Dorado and Alpine counties. These resources keep youth in school and improve their skills, assist job seekers with career transition and training and reduce costs for small businesses.
Job seekers - Each job center offers a wide variety of free employment-related resources. Whether you are looking for a job or preparing for a career change, staff will help you develop a customized success plan.
Employers - NEXT is Golden Sierra’s suite of services and resources for business owners in Alpine, El Dorado, and Placer Counties.
Web pages
Loomis Senior Life Center provides numerous programs and meets at the 1st United Methodist Church in Loomis. The center's goal is to expand the mind, the body, and the spirits of seniors to enable them to stay in their homes for as long as possible.
Programs include:
All services are provided for $4.00 per person per day.
Loomis Senior Life Center provides a continental breakfast and a full nutritious hot lunch each day. There is a pianist that plays at lunch time. Come and share your joys and concerns in a warm, friendly atmosphere.
Web pages
Seniors First offers Meals on Wheels and Senior Cafes.
Meals on Wheels
A service designed to help Older Adults Age in Place by targeting people who are home alone during the day and who have difficulty preparing simple meals. For clients who need the service temporarily.
At the time services are provided, clients shall be:
Senior Cafés
The Senior Cafés program provides a hot, healthy lunch five days a week to seniors age 60 at over eight Senior Café locations throughout Placer County including Auburn, Lincoln, Rocklin and Roseville. The Senior Cafés are lively gathering places that help maintain clients' sense of community and connectedness.
Meals are provided for a small optional contribution. No one is ever turned away for lack of financial resources.
There is a suggeste…
Sierra Senior Services provides meal delivery and daily wellness checks in Placer, Nevada and Washoe counties. Allows seniors to remain independent and at home for as long as possible by providing community safety net for the most frail and vulnerable segment of the population.
Web pages
This resource is eligible for electronic referral.
Meals on Wheels provides qualified home-bound seniors over the age of 60 with nutritious lunches. Must be enrolled in the Meals on Wheels program. Delivery is on Tuesdays & Thursdays (no deliveries on weekends, major holidays or when roads are unsafe to travel). Gold Country Senior Services oversees the Meals on Wheels program in Western Nevada County (Alta Sierra, Grass Valley, Lake of the Pines, Lake Wildwood, Nevada City, Penn Valley, Rough and Ready, etc).*
Meals on Wheels clients can apply to the Pet Food Pantry Program through their case worker. The purpose of the Pet Food Pantry Program is to keep seniors and their pets together by reducing pet expenses.
Web pages
* For North San Juan / San Juan Ridge call Sue Bauer at 530-292-9525. See database program: MEALS ON WHEELS-NORTH SAN JUAN - GCSS
Medi-Cal assistance is available through Human Services, one of six Divisions of County of Placer Health & Human Services.
Medi-Cal offers medical, dental, vision and mental health care to eligible individuals and families at little or no cost. If you are ineligible to Medi-Cal, affordable insurance plans are available through the health benefits exchange, Covered California, during their November through December open enrollment.
The information on Placer County's Medi-Cal web page is for reference only. Speak to a staff person for the most up-to-date information.
Apply for/Access your Public Benefits Online (Medi-Cal, CalFresh, CalWORKS)
Go to to apply for or renew benefits, upload verification, and view information regarding health coverage, food, and cash assistance. BenefitsCal also makes it easy for community partners to create accounts and act as application assistors.
Web pages
Medi-Cal assistance is available through Human Services, one of six Divisions of County of Placer Health & Human Services.
Medi-Cal offers medical, dental, vision and mental health care to eligible individuals and families at little or no cost. If you are ineligible to Medi-Cal, affordable insurance plans are available through the health benefits exchange, Covered California, during their November through December open enrollment.
The information on Placer County's Medi-Cal web page is for reference only. Speak to a staff person for the most up-to-date information.
Apply for/Access your Public Benefits Online (Medi-Cal, CalFresh, CalWORKS)
Go to to apply for or renew benefits, upload verification, and view information regarding health coverage, food, and cash assistance. BenefitsCal also makes it easy for community partners to create accounts and act as application assistors.
Web pages
Medi-Cal assistance is available through Human Services, one of six Divisions of County of Placer Health & Human Services.
Medi-Cal offers medical, dental, vision and mental health care to eligible individuals and families at little or no cost. If you are ineligible to Medi-Cal, affordable insurance plans are available through the health benefits exchange, Covered California, during their November through December open enrollment.
The information on Placer County's Medi-Cal web page is for reference only. Speak to a staff person for the most up-to-date information.
Apply for/Access your Public Benefits Online (Medi-Cal, CalFresh, CalWORKS)
Go to to apply for or renew benefits, upload verification, and view information regarding health coverage, food, and cash assistance. BenefitsCal also makes it easy for community partners to create accounts and act as application assistors.
Web pages
February 2024 Revision
Access in Motion 916-660-3934 Non-emergency medical transport. Van service with ambulatory & wheelchair assistance provided.
American Cancer Society (Road to Recovery) 800-227-2345 Provides transportation to and from treatment for people with cancer who do not have a ride or are unable to drive them selves. Please call well in advance of your appointment date to coordinate a ride with a volunteer driver.
Auburn Loop 530-745-7560 Auburn Loop is a route bus that will pick you up at designated bus stops with designated times throughout the day between hours of 9:00 am until 5:00 pm.
Auburn On-Demand 530-745-7560 Auburn On-Demand is a city provided ride share service. Through an App you are able to request a pickup at a location and destination of your choice. Our bus will then pick you up and take you to your requested destination.
Capital Corridor 530-839-2220 Capitol Corridor is a train that goes from Colfax to San Jose with a set schedule with mul…
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