Placer Independent Resource Services (PIRS) provides free services for people with disabilities. They serves Placer, El Dorado, and Alpine counties.
~ PIRS does not provide any kind of financial assistance.
~ PIRS does not provide direct housing placement. PIRS can provide general information about housing resources and can assist with applications; advises about search strategies and tenant/landlord rights and responsibilities. No referral or placement services provided.
Services include
Planned Power Outages (Public Safety Power Shutoffs/PSPS)
PIRS does not provide additional services for planned power outages. Other services for people with disabilities in Placer County prior to/during/after planned power outages: Qualified Placer County residents who receive utilities through PG&E (or Pioneer Community Energy, which uses PG&E infrastructure) and may experience Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)events may receive services from FREED, a separate entity that serves Nevada, Sierra, Yuba, Sutter, and Colusa counties AND is able to assist Placer County prior to, during, and potentially after PSPS events. For more information visit FREED.
Web pages