Recology Auburn Placer provides residential and commercial yard waste, recycling, and garbage collection to the communities of Auburn, Colfax, Rocklin, the Town of Loomis, and Unincorporated Placer County. The City of Roseville has its own waste services division. The City of Lincoln is served by Waste Management, Inc.
All sharps waste must be transported to a collection center in an approved sharps container. Home-generated sharps waste includes hypodermic needles, syringes, and lancets that are used for medical purposes. Sharps in approved biohazard containers can be brought to the Recology Auburn Placer Transfer Station for safe disposal.
Visit the Placer-Nevada Rx Drug Safety Coalition for additional free year-round medical drop-off sites.
Sharps Mail-Back Service
Visit CalRecycle regarding sharps waste mail-back services.
Senior discounts are also offered for those who are 65+ and income less than $32,100. Call Recology for details.
Web pages