People enrolled in Project Lifesaver wear a small transmitter on the wrist or ankle that emits an individualized frequency signal.
If an enrolled client goes missing, the caregiver notifies their local Project Lifesaver agency, and a trained emergency team responds to the wanderer’s area. The first responders will then use the client’s individualized frequency to locate the position of the individual.
Rocklin Police Department
Call or E-mail to learn more:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 916 - 625 - 5283(Inquiry line - messages only)
Lincoln Police Department
Call or E-mail to learn more:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 916 - 434 - 3285
Auburn Police Department
Call or visit the website to learn more:
Phone: 530 - 823 - 4237, ex.317
(Inquiry line - message only)
Web pages