201 Berkeley Ave
Roseville, Placer
Phone 1
Phone 2
Phone 3
The Gathering Inn Primary Office
Business Line
To stay at The Gathering Inn, a referral through the Coordinated Entry system is required. To get a referral, call the Placer County Homeless Resource Helpline at 833-375-2237 (or 833-3PLACER).
The Gathering Inn South Placer Emergency Shelter is a nomadic shelter located in Roseville. This shelter welcomes individuals and families. Partnerships with churches throughout Placer County make this program possible by providing guests with a meal and a safe place to sleep. Intakes and case management are offered 7 days/week.
- Intake starts at 1pm.
- Check in is at 4pm.
- Bus leaves at 6pm to different churches every night.
The Gathering Inn provides a variety of services – some just for people in their program or on the waiting list, and others for the wider community of people in need. People can get on the waiting list by calling 211 and ALSO calling TGI to confirm they want to receive services and get into the program.
Services for TGI program participants and those on the waiting list include:
- Food
- Bathrooms & showers
- Clothing and hygiene items
- Resource center with computers and other supports
- Assistance from outside agencies such as Placer County Health and Human Services
- Access to Recovery classes
- Bi-weekly adaptive Life Skills classes that address guests' individual barriers
- Ready to Rent classes
- Collaborative case management to address any challenges guests may have
Services also available to the wider community include:
- Clothing Closet with clothes, shoes, socks, underwear, work clothes, and items such as adult/baby diapers and common household items. People not in the TGI program must provide proof of residency through a utility bill or a copy of their lease in Placer County. The clothing closet is all donated items so it is completely dependent on what has been recently donated. There are no hygiene items at the clothing closet. Clothing closet is Wed and Sat from 1030am-12pm
- Medical Clinic – Sat from 9am-12pm
Web pages